No to ancillary copyright for press publishers, say more than 80 Members of the European Parliament

Today, 83 Members of the European Parliament from six political groups signed the following letter to the European Commission:

Reform of copyright law in the European Union

Dear President Juncker,
Dear Vice-President Ansip,
Dear Commissioner Oettinger,

We are writing to you as MEPs who are deeply concerned about the Commission’s Communication “Towards a modern, more […]

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Welcome to Team Awesome

Let’s be awesome together! (This is obviously a test. You shouldn’t be seeing this.)

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Hello, team!

Many common-sense ideas for EU copyright reform are being ignored – but we can still change that

Eighteen months have passed since the outgoing digital chief of the EU, Neelie Kroes, made a passionate appeal:

We have done preparatory work, dialogues, public consultations, legal and economic studies. We have endlessly assessed, examined, analysed. Now it’s time to act. Our single market is crying out for copyright reform.

When Günther Oettinger took over more than one […]

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End geoblocking: We need more than just roaming for Netflix!

Reacting to today’s presentation of a Portability regulation by the European Commission, Julia Reda, Pirate Party MEP and a Vice President of the Greens/EFA group, states:

“The proposed Portability regulation only fixes the cross-border access problems of some of the people under very specific circumstances: Those who already have Sky or Netflix subscriptions and want […]

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The LobbyCal project: Setting a new standard for lobbying transparency

Today, I am publishing all meetings I took with lobbyists and interest groups this year. From now on, all future meetings will be published as they happen as open data.

Several of my Greens/EFA group colleagues are doing likewise, using an open source tool that was developed on my initiative to better fulfil […]

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