An EU-wide ‘Google tax’ in the making?

In today’s issue of German newspaper Handelsblatt, Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger has announced that he wants Google to pay for using copyrighted material in the EU:

When Google takes intellectual works from within the EU and works with them, then the EU can protect those works and demand a levy from Google.

The possible unintended consequences of such an attempt […]

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My vote against the new Commission

On July 15, I approved Jean-Claude Juncker’s mandate to form a Commission. Today I’m voting against his Commission in plenary – because it has already failed to live up to the expectations and announcements.

Few glimpses of hope on Internet policy

In his priorities paper Jean-Claude Juncker announced that copyright reform would be initiated within […]

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#AskAnsip – first ever online hearing of a new Commissioner

The last weeks here in the parliament have been quite focused on the hearing of the Commissioner Candidates for the Juncker Commission. I have been focusing on the two candidates who will be the primary commissioners for all matters tied to the Internet; Andrus Ansip, from Estonia, and Günther Oettinger, from Germany. I had some […]

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European premiere: Digital Commissioners to stand in online hearing

Andrus Ansip, the designated EU Commission Vice President for the Digital Single Market, today announced his willingness to participate in an open online hearing. Prompted by MEP Julia Reda, he stated at his hearing in front of the European Parliament: »We have to learn from the ACTA case. We have to act in a […]

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