FOSSA and the EU’s Cybersecurity legislation

Now that my mandate in the European Parliament has come to an end, there is one important project that will still go on until the fall of this year: The European Free and Open Source Software Audit project – FOSSA for short – that was initialised in 2014, is coming to an end. After running […]

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Designing the future of cybersecurity in Europe

The European Commission has made a proposal to establish a “Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology, and Research Competence Centre” and a “Network of National Coordination Centres”. If adopted, the Centre will be responsible for implementing the spending of the Digital Europe and Horizon Europe programmes, which amount to up to 2.8 billion Euro (subject to the ongoing […]

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State of the Cyber: 10 proposals for improving IT security in the EU

Without much fanfare, the European Commission has published a new cybersecurity strategy. Although Commission President Juncker briefly touched on the issue in his State of the Union Speech, the document was published in the EU’s document database without a news release or press conference. It’s unclear at this point whether the document was published prematurely and an […]

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