2022: Mündiges Datensubjekt statt Laborratte: Rechtsschutz gegen Wissenschaftstracking. In: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Nomos. (CC-by 4.0)

2021: Creative Commons’ Statement on CC licenses and the Text and Data Mining Exception Under Article 4 EU CDSM Directive. Mit Ana Lazarova, Thomas Margoni, Ariadna Matas, Sarah Pearson, Brigitte Vézina, Kat Walsh, and Stephen Wyber. PDF Download here.

2020: Geoblocking: At Odds With the EU Single Market and Consumer Expectations. In: Digital Peripheries, SpringerOpen.

European Parliament, 2019. Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres.

European Parliament, 2019. Opinion on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online.

2018: Kulturelles Erbe befreien: Zur Notwendigkeit einer europäischen Lösung. In: Klimpel, Paul (ed.). Mit gutem Recht erinnern. Gedanken zur Änderung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des kulturellen Erbes in der digitalen Welt. Hamburg, Hamburg University Press. S. 3749. PDF Download hier.

2018: Das Ende des Internets, wie wir es kennen? Blätter für deutsche unter internationale Politik 12/2018, S. 21-24. PDF Download hier.

European Parliament, 2018. Opinion on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use of public sector information (recast)

2018: If all you Have is a Hammer. Promoting the Creative Industries Through Copyright Reform. In: Brown, Abbe/Waelde, Charlotte (eds.). Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Creative Industries. Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property Series. Edward Elgar Publishing.

2017: Preface. In: Belli, Luca/Zingales, Nicolo (eds.). Platform Regulations. How Platforms Are Regulated And How They Regulate Us. Report by the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility.

2017 (ed.): Better Regulation for Copyright: Academics Meet Policy-Makers. Conference Proceedings.

2017: Learning from Past Mistakes. Similarities in the European Commission’s Justifications of the Sui Generis Database Right and the Data Producers’ Right. In: Lohsse, Sebastian/Schulze, Reiner/Staudemayer, Dirk (eds.). Trading Data in the Digital Economy: Legal Concepts and Tools. Baden-Baden, Nomos.

2016: Die Macht der Plattformen. In: Telemedicus e.V. (ed.). Die Macht der Plattformen: Tagungsband zur Telemedicus Sommerkonferenz 2016. Berlin, epubli.

2016. Legislative Perspective on the Development of the EU Copyright Law. In: Geiger, Christopher (ed.). The Intellectual Property System in a Time of Change: European and International Perspectives. 50 Years of CEIPI Anniversary Volume. Collection du CEIPI, Numéro 64. Strasbourg, Strasbourg University Press.

2016. Digital Commons, Our Shared Right to Knowledge and Culture. Green European Journal 14/2016

European Parliament, 2015. Report on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. See an explanation of my draft report and an annotated version of the final report as adopted.

with Bastian Greshake, Philipp E. Bayer, Helge Rausch, 2014. openSNP–A Crowdsourced Web Resource for Personal Genomics. PLoS ONE 2014;9:e89204. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089204 Download hier.

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