MEPs receive monthly a lump sum of money to cover expenses linked to the exercise of a Member’s parliamentary mandate and which are not covered by by other allowances, like for example professional travel, which is reimbursed directly by the parliament.
In 2018, this sum is 4 416 EUR.
I let Planzahl GmbH, check my accounting. Here is their report for the years 2014 to 2016. 2017 and 2018 will follow.
Here is how I’ve spent the money so far, based on the figures checked by Planzahl GmbH. The categories are based on the list of expenses which may be defrayed from the General Expenditure Allowance, which was approved by the Parliament’s Bureau on Dec 13, 2010.


If you’re interested in knowing more about the different allowances available to MEPs, you’ll find a summary in this FAQ about Parliament’s working methods and running costs by the Parliament’s Press Service
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