Commission to scientists: Stop ruining our copyright plans with your facts and your research!

While several factors have driven the decline in newspaper revenues and in the number of legacy newspapers, news aggregation has an opposite effect

The risks that may be created by news aggregation platforms for media plurality in news consumption cannot be addressed through copyright.

These quotes are not from the Pirate in the European Parliament […]

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EU offers cash bounties to improve the security of VLC media player

Just in time for the end of the year, the European Commission announced the start of a first bug bounty within the Free and Open Source Software Audit (FOSSA) project. You can now submit bugs you find in VLC Media Player on HackerOne, where bounties ranging from $100 for low-severity bugs and up to $2,000 […]

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Breaking the web and killing innovation: Now even lobbyists admit that’s the plan behind the extra EU copyright for news

For months now I’ve been raising the alarm about the plan to limit the freedom to link that has been slowly but surely making its way through the EU legislative process.

The European Commission and the publishing lobby have accused those of us fighting to save the link of exaggerating the danger that the planned extra copyright […]

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How some are spreading confusion about scientific evidence to push through an extra copyright for news sites in the EU

Is it a good idea to introduce an extra copyright for news sites in the EU, which would make sharing news articles with little snippets of their content illegal, unless licensed? The Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament commissioned an independent academic study to find out.

The results came back crystal clear. But if […]

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